News (prior to 1st January 2015)
21st December 2014 Herald Scotland
19th December 2014 Yorkshire Evening Post
19th December 2014 Herald Scotland
19th December 2014 The Australian
18th December 2014 Cambrian News
17th December 2014 Herald Scotland
16th December 2014 Cerberus purchases 2nd bundle
11th December 2014 Herald Scotland
9th December 2014 Co Star
9th December 2014 Financial Review
5th December 2014 Herald Scotland
4th December 2014 Parliamentary Debate
See column 477 - 524 ; 1.17pm to 4.20pm ; reading time 3 hours
3rd December 2014 Mortgage Strategy
28th November 2014
NCSG conference ; Manchester
The guest speakers were :-
Iain Mitchell QC
Professor Michael Dempster ; Centre for Financial Research ; Cambridge
Simon Jaquiss ; banking expert ; QA Legal
John Laycock ; Polestar Funding Solutions
27th November 2014 Herald Scotland
25th November 2014 Herald Scotland
18th November 2014 Herald Scotland
17th November 2014 Daily Telegraph
30th October 2014
30th October 2014 Angel News
30th October 2014
TBL mis selling claim case management hearing Court of Session ; Edinburgh.
Bank admits that the loan was mis sold.
30th October 2014
NCSG group meeting Manchester
Members only
29th October 2014 Herald Scotland
28th October 2014
14th October 2014 FCA Review progress report
14th October 2014 NCSG analysis of FCA Review progress report :-
NCSG analysis of FCA Review progress - sheet 1_1413319289583.pdf
10th October 2014 Herald Scotland
9th October 2014 BBC Scotland
9th October 2014 The Telegraph
9th October 2014 Daily Mail
9th October 2014 The Australian
8th October 2014 Herald Scotland
19th September 2014 4 Traders
19th September 2014 Herald Scotland
4th September 2014 Andrea Leadsom (Economic Secretary to the Treasury)
26th August 2014 Money Marketing
19th August 2014 Business Link
19th August 2014 The Scotsman
19th August 2014 The Courier
18th August 2014 Sydney Morning Herald
18th August 2014 Herald Scotland
18th August 2014 STV News
18th August 2014 The Business Desk
18th August 2014 Insider Media Ltd
9th August 2014 Herald Scotland
30th July 2014 Herald Scotland
29th July 2014 4-Traders
29th July 2014 Herald Scotland
29th July 2014 The Times
28th July 2014 Sydney Morning Herald
28th July 2014 Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal 28 July 14.pdf
28th July 2014 The Scotsman
27th July 2014 The Australian
26th July 2014 4-Traders
26th July 2014 Herald Scotland
25th July 2014 Operation Chestnut
24th July 2014 Gordon Brown
Gordon Brown MP (Lab ; Kirkcaldy & Cowdenbeath) supports the campaign by writing to Andrew Tyrie MP (Chair ; Treasury Select Committee).
17th July 2014 The Australian
15th July 2014 NCSG analysis of FCA Review progress report :-
NCSG analysis of FCA Review progress - sheet 1.pdf
15th July 2014 FCA Review progress report (for July 2014) :-
15th July 2014 Meeting with HM Treasury
NCSG meets Andrea Leadsom, Economic Secretary to the Treasury, in Westminster.
We have been informed that NAB has agreed to voluntarily review all past decisions made in respect of complaints about fixed rate Tailored Business Loans.
10th July 2014 CoStar
3rd July 2014 The Independent
3rd July 2014 BBC Business
3rd July 2014 NCSG response to TSC / Clydesdale meeting
1st July 2014
Oral evidence from Andrea Leadsom (Economic Secretary to the Treasury) and Tony Boorman (Chief Ombudsman FOS) given to the TSC.
Transcript :-
26th June 2014 Press & Journal
Destiny Church in Press and Journal 26 June 2014.pdf
18th June 2014 Herald Scotland (Editorial)
18th June 2014 The Courier (Scotland)
18th June 2014 Herald Scotland
18th June 2014 The Scotsman
17th June 2014
David Thorburn (CEO Clydesdale) and Debbie Crosbie (Executive Director of Customer Trust and Confidence, NAGE) gave evidence to the TSC enquiry at Portcullis House, Westminster at 10.00am.
Video recording :
Transcript : TSC meeting 17 June 14.pdf
16th June 2014 Herald Scotland
12th June 2014
FCA Review progress report for May released - see "FCA Review" page
9th June 2014 The Australian
30th May 2014 Project Chestnut
30th May 2014
10 hour megaphone protest at Yorkshire Bank head office buildings in Leeds
28th May 2014 Estates Gazette
21st May 2014
NCSG meeting with a senior ombudsman at FOS, London
NCSG meeting with third party funder interested in funding all TBL claims
16th May 2014
NCSG meeting Edinburgh. Addressed by ex Clydesdale manager whistleblower
2nd May 2014
NCSG meeting Chester. Next meeting in Edinburgh date in approx one month's time.
Interesting developments at the FOS.
29th April 2014
TSC meeting at 10.15 in which embedded swaps were discussed in moderate detail.
Bully Banks, Seneca and NCSG member Laurence Beere.
25th April 2014
As a result of an appeal to a rejected FOI request, HM Treasury agrees with BBA that embedded swap loans will not be mis sold in the future. The agreement is of course voluntary.
19th April 2014
As a result of an appeal to a rejected FOI request, the FCA discloses that 69,738 embedded swap loans were issued and that 35,000 were issued by one bank alone but will not release the the name of the bank concerned.
FOI3266 Internal review response _signed letter and annex_ 20140331.pdf
16th April 2014
The FCA has called a meeting as part of their inquiry, inviting an affected SME, Seneca and Bully Banks to form a panel. NCSG has not been invited despite a membership of 105. NCSG is appealing to be included.
25th March 2014 Herald Scotland
25th March 2014 BBC Scotland Business
20th March 2014 Herald Scotland - Destiny Church
12th March 2014 Treasury Select Committee meeting
TSC Committee – John Thurso / Mark Carney
6th March 2014 NCSG conference Aberdeen
We are pleased to announce that our Aberdeen Conference today was a resounding success. Eminent speakers included MP John Thurso, Professor Michael Dempster, Iain Mitchell QC and Actuary Peter Crowley. Read our full conference report here.
6th March 2014 Herald Scotland
6th March 2014 Yorkshire Post
4th March 2014 Dundee Courier
4th March 2014 Herald Scotland
22nd February 2014 The Times
21st February 2014 BBC Scotland
19th February 2014
The Treasury Select Committee formally requsts NCSG to supply evidence of mis selling and malpractice.
6th February 2014 Financial Review
30th January 2014
The Treasury Select Committee is to undertake a short enquiry and a call for evidence will be published shortly. This has resulted in Clydesdale Bank requesting a meeting with John Thurso MP (Lib Dem ; Caithness & Easter Ross)
28th January 2014 Parliamentary questions
Alison Seabeck MP (Lab ; Plymouth Moor View)
23rd January 2014 Parliamentary questions
Sammy Wilson MP (DUP ; Antrim)
20th January 2014 Telegraph
7th January 2014 EDM 874 See website page "EDM874"
21st December 2013 Herald Scotland
20th December 2013 David (NCSG member)
David's case at Leeds High Court is heard by conference call between judge and two barristers. Case proceeds to 4th hearing towards end of March 14. David is happy. LPA receivership is stalled.
19th December 2013 Telegraph
18th December 2013 60,000 embedded swaps
15th December 2013 O'Groats Journal & Caithness Courier
13th December 2013 Dundee Courier
13th December 2013 Herald Scotland
11th December 2013 Treasury Select Committee / Early Day Motion 874
7th December 2013 Financial Ombudsman Service
Three more NCSG members' TBL complaints upheld by FOS adjudicators. First complaint still awaiting ombudsman approval. Bank has failed to appeal through normal channel but has approached FOS at higher level to try to get adjudicator's decision overturned.
4th December 2013 Herald Scotland
30th November 2013
Bully Banks conference on Hidden Swaps in London
20th November 2013
NCSG meeting with Stewart Hosie MP at Westminster (SNP Dundee East and member of the Treasury Select Committee).
19th November 2013
TBL case heard in Leeds High Court. (progress confidential until 20th December)
11th November 2013
FOS gave NAB until this date to appeal against the decision it made four weeks ago to uphold the first Tailored Business Loan complaint in respect of the non disclosure of break costs. The original deadline was 4th November but an extension was granted expiring today. The bank has failed to appeal and the FOS has given NAB a further extension of 21 days.
6th November 2013 Welsh Assembly
The Welsh Assembly discusses Clydesdale / Yorkshire TBLs in Cardiff. Presented by Bully Banks and Guto Beeb MP (Cons ; Aberconwy)
5th November 2013 Shropshire Star
1st November 2013 Evicted farmer
Farmer evicted from his farm in Somerset today after being bankrupted as a result of a Tailored Business Loan. Herd of 400 cattle sold at auction and farm machinery sold for scrap by vicious receivers. Farmer joins Nab Customer Support Group.
1st November 2013 Yorkshire Evening Post
31st October 2013
NCSG meeting in Westminster with John Thurso MP (Lib Dem Caithness and member of the Treasury Select Committee)
24th October 2013 Parliamentary debate
MPs discuss FCA progress in a backbench parliamentary debate in the House of Commons, lead by Guto Bebb (Cons Aberconwy). Clydesdale and Yorkshire Banks mentioned by Mark Williams (Lib Dem Ceredigion). Several MPs asked whether bank staff should be subject to criminal prosecution.
Columns 456 to 507
14th October 2013 Herald Scotland
4th October 2013 Herald Scotland
1st October 2013 The Telegraph
27th September 2013 The Courier
27th September 2013 City Advisor
26th September 2013 The Guardian
26th September 2013 Financial Conduct Authority
26th September 2013 BBC
25th September 2013
Strategy meeting with Bully Banks. London
24th September 2013 Herald Scotland
23rd September 2013 Herald Scotland
14th September 2013 Yorkshire Evening Post
10th September 2013 Treasury Committee
Transcript of TBL discussion :- Treasury Committe 10 Sept 13.doc
28th August 2013 Daily Mail
27th August 2013 Ian Fraser
27th August 2013 Yorkshire Post
26th August 2013 Markets Spectator
26th August 2013 Herald Sun (Australia)
26th August 2013 The Australian
25th August 2013 Sunday Times
24th August 2013 BBC News Scotland
24th August 2013 The Scotsman **Clydesdale credit rating now on par with Kazakhstan**
23rd August 2013 Moodys
22nd August 2013 Yorkshire Post
21st August 2013 The Scotsman
21st August 2013 Dundee Courier
20th August 2013 Herald Scotland
20th August 2013 BBC News Scotland
9th August 2013 Meeting with Joan McAlpine MSP Parliamentary Secretary to
First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond
7th August 2013 Herald Scotland
5th August 2013 NCSG establishes that 25,751 jobs were lost to the UK
economy as a result of NabCapital locking SMEs into long term
fixed rates containing embedded swaps and all MSPs are
informed by email.
23rd July 2013 Vince Cable writes to Mark Williams MP (Welsh Lib Dems Ceredigion) confirming that Tailored Business Loans are of
concern to himself and Treasury and will be discussed with Martin
Wheatley at the FCA.
20th July 2013 Australian government demand the valuation of the transferred
Commercial Real Estate portfolio.
4th July 2013 Chic Brodie MSP meets Douglas Campbell at Clydesdale Bank.
(David Thorburn on holiday). DC agrees to review 4 members'
cases by the end of August.
22nd June 2013 Herald Scotland
19th June 2013 Banking Commission report
See section 19 (report page 91)(PDF page 23)
14th June 2013 The Courier
14th June 2013 Herald Scotland
4th June 2013 TV documentary (30 mins)
17th May 2013 Yorkshire Post
10th May 2013 Sydney Morning Herald
10th May 2013 Yorkshire Post
7th May 2013 Yorkshire Post
24th April 2013 Herald Scotland
4th April 2013 International Business Times
30th March 2013 Herald Scotland
21st March 2013 Herald Scotland
16th March 2013 Herald Scotland
14th March 2013 You Tube - Jim McGovern's question and Greg Clark's answer
14th March 2013 Dundee Courier
14th March 2013 Herald Scotland
14th March 2013 Herald Scotland
13th March 2013 IBTimes
13th March 2013 Herald Scotland
13th March 2013 Daily Telegraph
7th March 2013 Daily Record
26th February 2013 Yorkshire Post
20th February 2013 Herald Scotland
16th February 2013 Herald Scotland
14th February 2013 Financial Times
7th February 2013 Scottish Licenced Trade News
31st January 2013 Herald Scotland
7th January 2013 Herald Scotland
14th December 2012 Herald Scotland
28th November 2012 Daily Telegraph
28th November 2012 Herald Scotland
7th November 2012 Daily Mail
5th November 2012 Herald Scotland
5th November 2012 Herald Scotland
31st October 2012 Clydesdale / Yorkshire annual accounts for y/e 31 Oct 12
31st October 2012 - BBC article
24th October 2012 - I B Times interviews Abhishek Sachdev
22nd October 2012 - Herald Scotland
26th September 2012 - Parlimentary Commission on Banking Standards
Debate on SWAPS commences from 02 : 16 : 30